• Today we embark on your journey of healing together.


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  • Today we embark on your journey of healing together.

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  • Today we embark on your journey of healing together.

    Contact Me

  • Today we embark on your journey of healing together.

    Contact Me

Welcome to Chester Clinical Practice & Consulting, LLC

At Chester Clinical Practice & Consulting, we utilize innovative techniques grounded in mindfulness to empower survivors of trauma and others who struggle with their mental health. We hold space filled with compassion and respect where clients can feel safe to be vulnerable.

Chester Clinical Practice & Consulting, LLC has been in existence for a decade serving clients throughout Maryland. CCPC looks at healing from a wholistic approach, considering the importance of working with the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. It is the philosophy of CCPC that healing can only occur when every aspect of a person is addressed.

You are on this page because you are brave and resilient! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

See My Services

Our Purpose

To utilize techniques that empower survivors and remove the stigma attached to the symptoms they experience

Our Mission

To provide survivors of complex trauma and others with mental health struggles with innovative and wholistic treatment.

If You're Ready to....

• Start enjoying life again

• Achieve your goals

• and live authentically

…Then let's chat!


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Meet Chandra A. Chester

My professional journey began in 1997 when I focused on becoming a part of the beautiful process of healing. I have always admired the resiliency of people who have endured traumatic life-changing events. Shame and guilt often keep us from seeking the help that is so desperately needed. I have learned throughout my career that this process is a partnership and that each person is unique. Taking the steps to participate in the healing process is a brave act and I would be honored to embark on this journey of self-discovery with you.

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